Welcome to Paragon Energy

Paragon Energy is an independent energy consultancy who have gained a reputation for innovation in the world of energy management. Our service is tailor-made for our customers needs as we believe each customer is different.
Our employees are extremely experienced and have worked in the Energy Procurement Industry since the energy contract market was opened up in the early 90's.
We have an excellent working relationship with our supply companies and pride ourselves on placing business with reputable companies which provide the highest level of customer service.

Paragon Energy believes in not overloading customers with irrelevant often confusing information and reports. Instead we only provide you with information which is relevant to your business needs.
With a dedicated help desk Paragon Energy will be able to help any customer with any problems with their Energy needs. The help desk will take ownership of the problem and will help your staff to resolve the situation.
If you are a business or Industry user regardless of your energy usage you will find it of great value to talk to one of our experienced energy managers with out obligation.
Electricity Structures (Previously Know as Tariffs)

This can be a complicated subject, and sometimes confusing to our customers. Here at Paragon Energy we can guide you through the jargon, and explain every detail in plain English.
Green Energy

Paragon Energy are at the fore front of promoting Green Energy in the UK. All suppliers now offer green energy, there are however many shades of green on the market
Care should be taken when contracting for Green Energy as all Green Energy isn't Climate Change Levy (CCL) exempt. Paragon Energy can guide you to which is your best option when choosing Green Energy....